by wellhaus | Feb 1, 2021 | Blog
February is American Heart Month. Did you know that heart disease accounts for nearly one-third of all deaths worldwide? Diet plays a major role in heart health and can impact your risk of heart disease. Here at Wellhaus we value heart health and recognize that there...
by wellhaus | Jan 19, 2021 | Blog
Now more than ever, it is so important to be conscious of our immune system and how well it functions. Not only is it flu season, but COVID-19 is very much still among us. So, what can you do to boost your immune system? It’s important to exercise regularly, get...
by wellhaus | Nov 18, 2020 | Blog
2020 has been quite a year. We’ve all got a lot of stress on our plates and for some, Thanksgiving dinner just heaps on another helping. Between the turkey stuffing and the endless dessert buffet, Thanksgiving dinner can be downright anxiety-provoking for those of us...
by wellhaus | Aug 8, 2020 | Blog
According to the CDC, over 100 million Americans have high cholesterol. While this chemical compound is not always bad and in fact can be necessary to a number of biological functions, high cholesterol levels can result in buildup of plaque which clogs the arteries,...
by wellhaus | Jun 12, 2020 | Blog
There will always be uncontrollable factors that contribute to our cardiovascular health. We can’t help our age, our family history, or a number of from-birth conditions that contribute to heart disease. However, it’s so important to do our best with the things that...
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